Podcast 16 – Tool Time

This week our Geek Whisperers talk about tools.

This is despite the fact that we’ve tried not to talk about tools on our podcast, because one of the the main goals of our podcast is to make social media marketing better and more human and more effective, and that really has very little to do with the tools you use. However, the Geek Whisperers are at least half as smart as crows or dolphins, which are both tool-using animals, and we have been known to use a stick or sharp rock in our day as well. On this podcast we discuss some of the social media, collaboration,  productivity, and discovery tools that we use every day.

Here are some of the tools we talk about:

As always, beware the Siamese Unicorn.

siamese unicorn

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  1. 8 August, 2013

    It just cuts off after 20 minutes… John was in the middle of telling us about Evernote the suspense is killing me 🙂

    • Amy Lewis
      8 August, 2013

      Thanks for letting us know! We are working on it.

      • 9 August, 2013

        Fixed it early today – bad upload, sorry! Let us know if it doesn’t work. I wouldn’t want you to miss out on my important thoughts on Evernote, although the surprise twist was that Matt was actually the Evernote Ninja with fancy tags and whatnot.

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