A Year of Change Ends in a New Focus – Episode 71

The great Year of Change has happened. A New Hope is upon us.

The Geek Whisperers are focusing on geek careers in 2015

Here are some interesting  metrics for the Geek Whisperers in 2014:

  • 38 episodes published
  • 42 questions about metrics by Matt Brender
  • 87 Amy Lewis snorts
  • 142 John Mark Troyer enrapturing rants
  • 5 job changes with big career implications for the podcast hosts

Not all of those statistics were fact checked. What is and has been true is that The Geek Whisperers are in love with the IT career path. You heard it every week while we discussed marketing and you’ve heard us shift toward interviewing what makes a geek tick in today’s economy.

Some other topics discussed:

  • Our podcast is the new Monster.com for career growth
  • Matt has a new job at Basho
  • Amy has a new job at SolidFire

    The new career path is all about making it up as you go.

  • The podcast is still very much a therapy session for us
  • Next up: we’re interviewing more and more people to hear their story
  • It’s like a mentorship series on geeks in the wild
  • Stepping out of the comfort zone
  • The new career path is making it up as you go, like frozen
  • Careers are about the journey
  • The journey for our podcast
  • Started out trying to correct social media marketing and community
  • Attempt to target marketers
  • No one is talking about the people
  • “One metric Influencer”
  • Matt admits metrics are a trojan horse for relationships
  • John thinks about our parallel universe where we succeed as being evil marketers

    Would evil John look good with a goatee?
    Would evil John look good with a goatee?

  • Statistics can lie, but the gut isn’t a good determiner of statistical significance
  • Amy and Matt get into a book-off
  • Reflections on talking with Duncan Epping and his follow up post

So, what’s next?

We’ll be focusing in on the amazing stories to be told from geeks who are building great careers, businesses and communities. Thanks for being with us through 2014 and be sure to stay tuned in 2015!


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