Author: John Mark Troyer

11 July, 2013 / Podcast

This week the podcast is all about podcasting as we have The Cloudcast‘s Brian Gracely and Aaron Delp join the Geek Whisperers to tell us how, after 90-odd episodes covering cloud and everything-as-a-service, they’ve created a well-oiled podcast production machine. Along they way, they’ve gotten recognized at conferences, had a…

1 July, 2013 / Podcast

Our intrepid Geek Whisperers are back in action this week sharing stories of “Things I’ll Never Do Again.” What projects have been so unexpectedly challenging that our social media practitioners have sworn them off, like that one time as a 10-year-old I ate so much caramel corn that I couldn’t…

29 April, 2013 / Podcast

This week our intrepid Geek Whisperers tackled their favorite floating dinner party, professional community, and time sink — Twitter. Our special guest was Sunshine Mugrabi, @sunshinemug, ย a social media consultant and recovering journalist and PR person. More specifically, we wanted to answer the question we get asked a lot: How…

15 April, 2013 / Podcast

We tackle Google+ this week on the Geek Whisperers podcast. So far for many people Google+ seems a lot like sex in high school. You hear stories about other people doing it, but you have a dearth of personal experience. And I’m not sure if this is like sex in…

9 April, 2013 / Podcast

This week we tried to talk about metrics but ended up talking about listening programs as well, which are indeed related but not the same thing at all. Since the Geek Whisperers gang is focused more on fostering human interaction than counting points, we brought in the smart and capable…

13 March, 2013 / Podcast

This week the Geek Whisperers are freshly back from attending the VMware Partner Exchange conference in Las Vegas, and we’re tackling the topic of conferences and events. The power of social media and how it has changed conferences What do you really need for a tweetup, anyway? Activities & Promotions…