Social Happening Roundup

Your regular Whisperers of all things geek have been globetrotting over the last few weeks, leaving us with a brief respite from podcast uploads. That noted, we thought we’d leave you with some fun places that have kept us busy:

  1. ย Take another look at John Troyer‘s big vExpert announcement, and go check out Cloud Credibility to see the (unofficial) list of activities that some see as essential to being a strong candidate.
  2. Amy Lewis is coming back from Citrix Synergy and is sure to have exciting content on the horizon. Keep an eye out for new episodes of Engineers Unplugged.
  3. Lastly, I’ve been working on a series of posts around Tweetbot for OS X and my personal Twitter strategy.

And just for fun, enjoy this rare picture of the majestic Siamese Unicorn.

siamese unicorn

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