IT Pipeline and Hiring for Rapport with Frances Wong – Episode 112

The Geek Whisperers are coming back to your from our wonderful time at the Silicon Valley VMUG. Armed with beautiful new microphones, we sit down with Frances Wong, SVVMUG Leader and IT Professional. We discuss: frances-wong-svvmug

  • Building rapport quickly
  • The charisma myth
  • The unspoken parts of charisma
  • Hiring in the valley
  • Hiring a little differently in Silicon Valley
  • Losing a great IT guy and refusing to “hire young”
  • “My users are my customers”
  • Helpdesk as partners for IT
  • “Who are you serving?”
  • Partnering within the organization
  • Looking for something that resumes can’t show us
  • Looking for personable regardless of tenure
  • Fear of ownership behind the server room door
  • How do you get from college theory to IT operator?
  • Day in the life of an IT Operator
  • Managing Vendors for the job
  • Managing in house and cloud services
  • Understanding business need vs technical wants
  • Curious, passionate, friendly
  • Helping other people

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